Christina (Boston University)

“I do not understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” Anne Lamont

You’ll often hear us say, fun is spiritual. That is one of our north stars when we are trying to engage a campus that largely rejects invitations to faith communities. That’s why the apple orchard is the perfect getaway for students every fall at Boston University.

Christina, a junior, is a planner and seldomly takes risks, especially on the spur of the moment. That’s why it was such a surprise to the friend who invited her as she jumped into the caravan of cars heading to the orchard. This was the first time we met Christina, but it was far from the last time we would see her. 

Christina joined the weekly small group conversations asking questions about this idea of faith. On a snowy January afternoon Christina prayed for the first time during a prayer walk. She was nervous and felt awkward, but this experience created a regular rhythm of talking with God while walking between classes. She is joining a study of the book of John this fall as she continues to explore faith in Jesus.