Yisu (Northeastern)

I joined Sojourn as an 18 year old who had freshly discovered the promise of Christ and five years later, I can confidently name my time in this ministry as the best choice I made in college. Through Sojourn I was baptized and welcomed home by my family in Christ; through Sojourn I found my first church home and went on my first mission trip to see God move. Sojourn has equipped me with courage to face this too-big world and hunger to seek God in every circumstance. Every week at cadre (small group) I look around the room and see my friends enjoying each other's company, laughing and sharing and doing life together--it makes my heart swell with joy to be a part of a faith community like this, which points me daily to the incomprehensible goodness of God. It's holy work, what Sojourn does.